Victory Gardens & Real seeds 18 AUG 2013

Victory Gardens & Real seeds. Victory gardens….A successful idea that bears planting again. 20 million Victory gardens were started by Americans during WW II. The idea was that Victory Gardens would take the pressure off the U.S. govt to supply not only our military but much of the other Allied nations in food. Additionally, it would provide good nutritious food for urban & rural gardeners. It was a great idea, and Americans ate far healthier during the war, than they had eaten during the 1930’s depression era. School children were once again eating healthy & looking healthy.
Real seeds. During & after WW II, the ag businesses increased in size & power. Farmers were taught to quit using real seed (non-hybrid) & buy hybrid seed from the seed companies. Hybrid seed doesn’t reproduce correctly, so the farmer became dependent upon Ag business for his yearly supply of seeds. Then the next step, taken only recently, was to genetically splice new genetic material into seed genetics to create frankensteinish GMO seed. There are fields of grains from GMO seed that the birds won’t touch!
In 1976, near Chesterville, IL, I lived w/ Eli Stutzman, an Amish farmer (& minister) who studied about the PTSNB, & the NWO. He used non-hybrid seed. For instance, his corn crop was non-hybrid corn, so each year he could keep back part of his crop for seed for next year’s planting…instead of being dependent on Ag Business. He did this to be ready for these end times. Real seeds give us sustainable gardens. He was the exception to the rule, as most Amish are using hybrids. Non-hybrid seeds are available my friends. There are a number of companies that are in touch with the times & have prepared non-hybrid, non-GMO seed packets appropriate to our times: Survival Vegetable Seeds, The Ark Institute, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co. and others. They have variety packets, and specialty packets (for instance: Heirloom Organics’ Tea Garden Pack, & Fruit Lovers Pack). Survival Vegetable Seeds has 37 heirloom seeds in a mylar bag for $38.95 on eBay. I am only reminding all of us, that it would be a good idea (perhaps a decision that could mean life or death) to have some real seeds stored for a rainy day.
Hunger drove the WW II. Prior to WW II, Japan, Italy & Germany had populations that were hungry & malnourished. All three nations thought that the answer was to conquer more land & settle it with their own people. Italy sent settlers to Africa, Germany tried to move its settlers into what had been Poland, and Japan into Korea & Manchuria. I saw the burned out farms in Libya of the Italian settlers, which are unrestored since the Libyans drove the Italians out & burned them. The Greater Reich failed to induce enough German farmers to move to confiscated land in Poland & resorted to asking Dutch & Danes if they’d like to help settle it. Many of the Japanese that moved decided it was better to use local farm help and become the bosses, which defeated the purpose of the land becoming a new part of Japan. All three Axis nations had to struggle hard to feed their people during WW II. Countless millions of Russians & Chinese starved to death in WW II. During the war, the U.K. struggled like Germany, and like Ger. managed to prevent widespread death from starvation. In contrast with all of this hunger was the agricultural output of America. Not only did the American farmers feed our large military force, but from 1941 onwards, provided a large part of the USSR’s & U.K.’s food needs. American farmers thrived and produced in abundance, without detailed control over what they planted. My relatives, all farmers, were finally thriving because for the first time they got prices for their crops that allowed fair profits. Farms were able to modernize with the new cash flow & become more productive and efficient. America had so much material & labor that they continued producing things like tractors, combines, & milking machines when the other major contestants had stopped all civilian products. By the end of the war, half of the American farms had been electrified. And in the middle of all this, many urban dwellers took up gardening. I am watching an increase in interest in gardening by city folk who have never planted a garden before; they can see the times we are living in.


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