A post for those who hate the pain in the world & reason that if God had wanted it to go differently, it would have gone differently, so he is morally culpable for the mess that the world is in. This post’s purpose is to clear up misunderstandings about God’s character, & empower you w/ passion & strength. Sadly, common ideas w/in Christendom are part of the problem.
What’s your picture of God?? Are you one of those who can’t w/ integrity accept a God who has planned & scripted all this evil in this world? This post is to offer most everyone a fresh understanding of what’s really happened. This message is not only Biblical, but it also matches the real World seen when I worked against the Illuminati & helped people to escape the dark power of the Illum.
Satan & his human hierarchy are control freaks. These control freaks’ World System exactly matches any power hungry ruthless dictatorship: everything is controlled, everything is on 5, 10, 20, & 40 yr. plans. Everything is scripted. Christendom often portrays a similar God, a tyrannical all powerful God, who even if He is called in theory “benevolent”, arbitrarily allows horrible things like innocent babies to be tortured. People hear the screams of torture & want to indict Almighty God. I realize why people even think this is the Biblical view of God—but it is neither the Biblical view of God nor the reality of God’s character….bear with me on this.
First let’s look at the Biblical view of God’s character, then let’s look at whether He has scripted all this evil, or in other words if all this suffering & chaos is His will.
Yahshua told his disciples, “If you know me [they’d followed him for years], you would have known My Father also. From now on you do know Him & HAVE SEEN HIM [my emphasis in caps].” He was telling them that to know him was to know God, & to see him was to see God. Well, Philip was slow on the uptake, not comprehending the point Philip asked, “Lord, show us the Father…” And Yahshua answered, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?…I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.” (Conversation recorded at JN 14:7-10f) This is why Yahshua (Messiah) is often called the Word of God for he was God’s thinking & God’s self-expression. The Bible calls Yahshua God’s “image” (2 COR 4:4-6), & His “exact imprint” (COL 1:15, HEB 1:3). In other words, we understand God’s character thru Christ. Knowing Christ is to know God. Christ tried to tell the religious leaders this, by telling them that they search the Scriptures (aka O.T.) & that the Scriptures talk about himself (!). How do Scriptures point to Christ? Because God chose to define His character to us thru the man Yahshua. The revelation of God by a chosen special man was the ultimate revelation of God. The Bible claims that the whole fullness of deity dwelt bodily with Yahshua, what makes God to be God took a bodily form in the Messiah. (COL 2:9, 1:19, et al.) This is why the angels were singing at his birth! The cross shows God’s heart is to forgive. Christ spent his life liberating people from misery, demons, sickness, evil & religious tyranny. This is what God is all about. Christ loved those who were oppressed, suffering & rejected. That is how God loves. Christ suffered for us, & that is how God operates, He is willing to pay a price to pay the penalty for our rebellious sins. (A judge who pays your spending ticket!) O.K. that is the Biblical picture of God’s character. On to the next issue, a proper understanding of evil & pain in relation to God’s character.
When God made a decision to give angelic beings & men the choice to love or not love Him, that decision created a war. Forces opposing His will are at war with Him & His creation. The real explanation for pain is this war, for although people think God has a script, He doesn’t; He intentionally created things w/out a script. The first thing Satan did w/ Adam & Eve was to get them to question God’s character. Next, he talked them into eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. So we see two foundational problems, distrust of God’s character, & humanity’s addiction to the forbidden tree’s fruit, which manifests as our need to constantly judge good & evil in people, when we are not wise, & are truly incapable of judging…judgment belongs to God. (MT 7, ROM 2, 14, EPH 5, JS 4:11-12 & others). So the problem being dealt w/ in this post is a foundational problem going back to man’s disloyalty & disobedience to his Commander in Chief. Working w/ programmed multiple personalities completely humbled me, & I realized how hard it is to judge a programmed multiple like Billy Graham. Only God can judge someone like him, even if he does secretly work for Satan, & openly works for the World System. We’ll look soon at a serious war casualty, the godly man Job; his case explains & exposes so many of the false religious views.
The world God created gave man the choice to love or not love Him. If I plant a rose, the logical result is that I will not get an onion. A world w/ free choice was God’s decision because He wanted a world w/ the potential for love, & that potential means God has to tolerate man’s choices (incl. rebellion & evil). God’s ultimate power is not the issue. I could have planted an onion, but if I plant a rose I have to deal w/ that decision. Likewise God can’t do certain things, because He is living w/ the decision He made. In creating one kind of a world, He ruled out creating something else. That is a no-brainer, but the logic & reality escape many people. He must allow choice (even bad-evil ones) for that is a result of what was created…BUT that does not make Him responsible for bad-evil choices. If a fully grown morally responsible adult makes a bad choice, it’s on them, not their parents. It is not the parent’s fault if the adult child uses his free will poorly. When a pro-abortionist walks w/ a sign “Keep your nasty morality off my body” & then chooses to kill her baby, those are her choices because God did not want a world of robots, but created a world of choices. All this to give real love a chance.
But what if something bad happens to a good person? Ahh, the first Bible book written (the Book of Job) deals w/ this important issue. The entire book of Job was written to clearly explain that there is no connection between divine punishment & suffering. Suffering is a result of the war that is going on between Satan & God. One day Satan randomly on his own approaches God & declares that people only pretend to love God because He has bribed them. Then Satan torments the godly man Job in hopes he will curse God to vindicate Satan. God allows Job’s true love to prove itself, which it does. Job never quits loving God, but both Job & his three friends have some screwy ideas to explain his suffering. Job blames God (“you persecute me”…”hate me”, etc.), & his friends blame Job for the suffering Satan brings. God doesn’t endorse either Job’s explanation of his suffering nor his friends’. God tells Job that his “words are without knowledge”; Job repents of his bad attitude, & confesses, “I have uttered what I did not understand.” (JOB 42:3) But God prefers Job’s heartfelt attacks on God’s motives, over Job’s friends’ self-serving religiosity. God’s will is against evil, not for it. There is a raging war—like fighting a typhoon—between the principalities & powers of darkness & God’s kingdom (cf. JOB 38). Neither Job nor his friends take into account this world-wide war. We like pat simplistic explanations, but the world is more complicated. The religious formulas (of his friends) don’t even approach the complexity of war between the two kingdoms. Daniel had a similar experience, where the answer to his prayer was hindered by angelic warfare, but religiosity would have labeled it lack of faith or righteousness.
Now back to Yahshua who was speaking the words of God. His ministry repeatedly shows that God’s will is not uniformly carried out in our world. About half a dozen times, Yahshua is asked why such & such person is suffering. He NEVER validates the idea that God has a script, or some “secret plan” behind the suffering. He repeatedly invalidates their question, & at times points them to Satan and the free-for-all war that is being waged between the two kingdoms. Space does not permit me cover these examples. We are in a battlefield people, no wonder the world looks like a war zone!! The religious idea that pain is God’s punishment, or suffering is a secret plan by God does not line up w/ Scripture. Pain may be the natural consequence of a stupid choice. Some Christians suggested that 9/11 was part of God’s secret plan. NO . The Satanic hierarchy planned that. The problem w/ believing that everything is a script from God is it causes people to be passive & adopt the same type of religious fatalism of Buddha & the Greek Stoics. Yahshua was no Buddhist or Stoic, that was not his faith. To say the attacks of the enemy come from God is craziness. Yahshua taught a Spiritual empowerment to revolt against evil. He also cont. to show us how little we understand (as finite beings) of the complexities of life (in an infinite universe) and the war we are in. We need to get beyond the shallow formula theology of popular religion. In this complex war, us grunts see a very limited view, so there is no way for us to explain why this event, or this battle or this casualty happened; the arbitrariness of life’s suffering will remain unknown. The arbitrariness of how God’s intervenes into our world is a mystery. But God’s good character can be known


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