The agenda to destroy our health vs. divine wisdom 8 JUL 2013

The agenda to destroy our health vs. divine wisdom. The Word teaches us that our bodies are wonderfully created, which is, in my opinion, obvious. It also teaches us that our enemy (Satan) comes to steal, destroy even kill. (JN 10:10) Some don’t seem to make the connection that he steals & destroys our health, & even kills us. His elite are working exactly on that agenda to steal & destroy our health, and if possible even kill us. Christ came to defeat all the works of Satan (1 JN 3:8), therefore it stands to reason & to scripture that he wants us to have health & life. In fact, Christ said he came to give us abundant life. Further, this is part of YHWH’s divine purpose in our lives, “I am the Lord who heals you.” EX 15:26 and “I will take sickness away from the midst of you.” EX 23:5 (EX 23:5 was, by the way, spoken when Israel was healthy-cf. PS 105:37)
Some apparently think that if God wants them to be healthy, He will miraculously do it, and we have no responsibility to care for our health. When we are familiar with God’s Word, it is clear that He wants us to be whole in body, mind & spirit. Indeed our body, mind & spirit are interconnected…when one is out of whack, out of balance, diseased, it affects the other two. Sometimes healing one of these 3 areas heals something in another area that seemed unrelated! The Word teaches us to be on our guard (MT 16:6)…in other words, protect yourself. This post is offered in the Spirit of love, in line with the principle that we are to minister to each other. Christ healed blind men 3 different ways; one was arguably by natural means, & two by different supernatural methods. The Word teaches both natural & supernatural healing. Each of us has special circumstances, so there are often different healing paths that YHWH will use. To rigidly lock ourselves into believing that our Creator can only use a particular method is to misunderstand that the Holy Spirit has the liberty, authority and power to act & move as He so chooses. And to fail to realize our role in taking care of our health is to do something similar to jumping off a building & expecting God to save us. Christ said not to tempt God that way.
Once we realize our responsibility to take care of our body, mind & spirit, and His desire that we be whole…what then?? In 1901, the U.S. was the healthiest nation, but by 1981, they were rated 95th in health. It’s been said that Americans are the most overfed & undernourished of any nation…certainly the elite’s corporations have had a field day changing American’s eating habits towards processed foods and fast foods, which are low on real nutrition, but high on salt, sugar, sugar substitutes, fat, chemical preservatives, thousands of additives & toxins. What YHWH promised Israel was a land of wheat, barley, vines, figs, pomegranates, olive oil, and honey.(DT 8:8-9) Entire books can and have been written on the healing properties of honey, olive oil, red wine, raw fruit & natural grains. Our eating habits in America are in general—to be honest—sinful. Every day I see the results of how Americans are abusing the wonderful body God gave them by eating nutritional garbage that has been packaged by the big corporations to look good to the senses.
I want to mention briefly olive oil. An 84 yr. old friend of mine looked younger than 50. He was from Lebanon where his family typically lived healthy lives ‘til 100 yrs. His family harvested and pressed olives each day, so they could drink fresh olive oil daily. The Promised Land was called the land of olive oil. DT 8:8. Christ was camped out on the Mount of Olives, which was a grove less than a Sabbath day journey from the Temple, which could supply even on the Sabbath oil for the Temple lamps. The word Gethsemane itself means “oil press”. Prophets, priests & kings were anointed with olive oil to show the Holy Spirit upon their lives, and guests had the habit of anointing their heads before meals (PS 23:5) to show God’s presence during the mealtime. It was also used for healing. There are other healing oils, such as wheat germ oil, but olive oil sticks out in my mind because it is so Biblically prominent.
When YHWH brought Israel (God’s people) out of Egypt (the World), He said, “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians.” (EX 15:26) Where are we going wrong that we have so many diseases?? It is not only Type II diabetes that is directly related to diet, but cancer, diverticulitis, fibromyalgia, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and a long list of other degenerative diseases. Half of Americans will die of heart disease, and a third will develop cancer. Thinking we were wise, we have been made fools of by the multinational corporations controlled by the satanic elite, who have destroyed our health while they made big profits off of us. If we are in touch with God’s design of our body, we see that it is clearly designed to eat more fruit and veggies than meat. Our bodies are not designed like carnivores, although they do have the ability built in to process meat. Our bodies were not created to handle a diet high in meat. About 50% of the American diet is derived from animals. We should line up with rather than try to alter the Creator’s design.
There are countless things we can do to avoid the destructive agenda of the elite. A return to a primitive diet similar to what Christ ate; one full of unprocessed fruits & vegetables & whole grains is certainly a step in the right direction. Fish was the popular type of meat in his day. One last thought, Paul said bodily exercise was not as important as spiritual. Understand that people were naturally physical back then, and only Olympic type competitors needed extra exercise. When I was Amish, nobody, whether men, women or children, needed a gym. It was calculated Christ walked 18,000 miles just going 3x a year to the feasts. If Paul were writing to a culture of modern couch potatoes, he would, I believe, rephrase things, & say, bodily exercise helps a great deal not just for the body, but for the mind and spirit.


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