Presidential Drama Rotten to the Encore 10 AUG 2013

Presidential Drama Rotten to the Encore: more interesting history. In my book Bloodlines of the Illuminati, I show how 25 American presidents are closely related by blood. Other charts in the book show other ways the presidents go back to European royalty. Plus they all tie back to the Illuminati, & their organizations like the CFR, so it is no surprise that republican Eisenhower supported democrat JFK as president, and likewise the democrat Bill Clinton loves George H.W. Bush…and Geo. H.W. Bush wrote Bill a letter at the end of the campaign, “You will be our President when you read this note…I am rooting hard for you.” And no surprise then that Bill & George played golf together in 2005.
Millionaire Herbert Hoover, ex-Republican president is placed in charge by democrat President Truman of 2 Commissions (1947-1955) aptly named the 2 Hoover Commissions, which recommended concentrating power in govt. by creating various organizations, which Congress then acts upon in creating the CIA, NSC, the Council of Economic Advisors and other executive related agencies.
Life as an elite insider. When Geo. Bush, Sr.’s handlers took him shopping to buy his own socks, he was surprised at the electronic price scanning system which all of us have dealt with daily for years. I think of Geo. Bush, Sr.’s career after his initiation into the Order of the Skull & Bones: Ambass. to the U.N., Chrm. Rep. National Committee, DCI (dir.) of the CIA, chief liason office in Beijing, China, v.p. for Reagan. These are key positions…the kind of positions which he was given all along. Was he really the most talented qualified person to represent us to the U.N. and to China, or were his qualifications that he was a selected dependable insider? Yes insiders…Joseph Kennedy was ambassador for us to U.K. leading up to WW II. It looks to me like he played his role in the job muting criticism of Hitler prior to the war. Life can be nice for insiders like Joseph Kennedy. A few weeks before the 1929 stock market crash, Kennedy took his money out of the stock market! Afterwards, while others were hurting, he had the cash to buy up Hollywood film companies during its golden decade. Then he puts $100,000 into apparently worthless liquor franchises during the depression, which soon grow in value because prohibition is repealed, and the franchises then grew to $8 million in value. This is certainly better than playing the lottery like poor people do! Ex-presidents don’t do too bad (JFK being an exception); for instance, NBC paid $1 million to ex-Pres. Ford just to appear on some documentaries.
Joseph Kennedy’s philosophy which he taught his boys was: “Win at all costs.” Nixon said something similar, “I had to win…The important thing is to win.” Along that line Joseph Kennedy would hand out briefcases filled w/ money to politicians who’d work for him. And if you are ruthless enough & obedient to your handlers, it must appear to these men that they are winning. But your soul which is given to you free, is not worth the world of money that the elite have.
Hillary, who outranked her husband in the Illuminati, insisted to the press they make sure to put Rodham into her name…the surname Clinton was not an important surname. Perhaps they added her to Bill to give him more substance. Bill has a talent for telling people what they want to hear, yet Hillary seems to me to outmatch him in governing abilities. Also, so many of these elite place themselves into situations that make them appear like they love children –which is like the fox guarding the chicken house. Hillary founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children to provide legal support for abused children.
Final thoughts. The more I learn about JFK, the more of a hero he seems. After the Bay of Pigs, out of concern for what had happened he broke down & cried. Of Jackie, there is still more to learn. …So my post tonight was just sharing w/ you, my friend, some more interesting history. Hope it was a treat to have a little more light on the political games we are subjected to. The whole world’s a stage for these elite.


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