The govt. believes they have the right to dominate everything in society & our lives. The govt. wants all, incl. control over churches & your mind, yet Christ wants all also. Will we submit to the state or maintain our integrity? If so, when will the showdown come in your life? The goal for this post is to help us stay on track & pass tests of suffering.
In Sept. 33 yrs. ago, Pastor Everett Sileven of the Louisville, NE Faith Baptist Church had his church padlocked by cops because the church was providing a Christian Elementary School. The gov. of NE & the NEA were on fire to persecute these Christians. The pastor was repeatedly jailed. (See it’s o.k. in Amer. for state public schools to proselytize humanistic & occult religions & values, but not o.k. for Christians to educate their own children…even though the Constit.’s 1st amend. says we have that right.)
Due to the outrage of millions of Americans, Nebraska backed off their persecution of this church. At times the pain of persecution (in this case jail time) that Christians endure and the suffering of non-believers is similar, except for the meaning of the suffering! Our suffering is beneficial in many ways, for one, it produces endurance, which leads to better character.ROM 5:3 Also it gives us joy & hope, and in the long run it defeats the World (for example, REV 12:11, the Roman Empire, Communists countries). Christ encourages us, “Take heart I’ve overcome the World”. Our heavenly Father says, “Fear not, for I am with you…I will strengthen you, I will help…” ISA 41:10. Isaiah knew firsthand.
The Climactic Test for world citizens. “I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus & for the Word of God, who had not worshipped the Beast or his image, & had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived & reigned w/ Christ…” REV 20:4
REV 20:4 parallels MT 5:10-12 which is worth meditating on…”Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…rejoice & be exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Paul says it even more succinctly, “If we suffer, we shall also reign w/ Him.” 2 Tim 2:12 His faith explains how he could sing praise songs, while in prison irons w/ blood dripping down his raw bleeding, whipped back. A parallel example with MT 5:10-12 happens during Stephen’s climactic test, when he saw heaven before dying.
Are we surprised that virulent low sleezeballs don’t love virtuous loftier moral-superiors? No surprise. If we face the raw facts, they will want us dead. Darkness hates light. But death is only semifinal. But facing it takes nerve & hope; growing in faith, wisdom & courage can only help. In the past, to prevent Christians from standing strong, Communist govt.s infiltrated their congregations to plant seeds of chaos, doubt, & distrust. Job, a man of faith, dealt with evil successfully. So did some in Communist lands who went through more than Job.
Am I suggesting we can rely on ourselves? NO. “My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 COR 12:9 I believe if we press into God, and take Scriptures like Rom 8:28 to heart that “all things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose & love Him”…I believe that if we are inspired by Christ and center our lives around Him…and understand what he said in MT 5:10-12, that his Spirit will help us in our climactic tests. The World is thinking cause & effect for their grand finale…I am thinking cross & resurrection.


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