God judges us, judges judge us, people judge us, & at times we judge ourselves. These are some thoughts on each of these 4 kinds of persons who judge. The purpose of this is to defend God’s character, plus remind us of several important things: not to judge others, to realize the world will act like the world—we need to bring our expectations in line w/ reality, & that to have the best justice we must patiently wait until God gives it. This post is for your heart, most of this you likely already know.
GOD’S JUDGMENTS TEACH RIGHTEOUSNESS. “…Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You [YHWH] early; for when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” ISA 26:9 “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy.”! PS 16:11 YHWH God responds & tells us how fine-tuned His judgments are: “I YHWH, search the mind, I try the heart, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” JER 17:10 Allow me to give an example of God’s instructive justice. First bear in mind that God’s law placed legal limits on rulers, they were not above the law! (DT 17:14+, & others) How different it is today. King Ahab covets a guy’s property near his palace at Jezreel (now called Zerin, Israel). He tries to buy it from him, but the owner won’t sell because the property has been in the family, & needs to continue being in the family. Ahab’s evil Queen Jezebel figures out how to use their political power to get the locals to falsely accuse the owner & put him to death. God says that Ahab will have to pay for the man’s blood w/ his own & his son’s. God’s prophet says the dogs will lick the King’s blood…which they do. After the king dies, his son ends up being killed on the stolen property. (1 KGS 21-22, 2 KGS 9:21-25) The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. God is not mocked, whatever people sow, they will reap.

A RETIRED JUDGE WROTE A BOOK EXPOSING HOW AMERICAN JUDGES & COURTS ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT. This is typical for the world as well as a sign of the times. Justice is a thing of the past. Even if it were not so, the justice of God has always been superior & restorative. There is great misunderstanding about this. For instance, in my case God’s law would have been greatly better & gentler than the World’s. God’s law says a man has to be convicted by 2 or more actual eyewitnesses. In my case, the World used entirely bribed hearsay—no eyewitnesses. In fact, that was one of my appeal issues. If I had been convicted under God’s law, I would have had to repay double the amount stolen, in my situation the bank lost $5,500 which doubled equals $11,000. I could have paid that immediately & been done with the affair, & gone on to be a productive citizen. In contrast, not only did the World’s judge fine me $17,000, he took 8 yrs. of my life in prison, as well as sentencing 5 more on probation (& probation due to all the hoops one must jump thru is not liberty). My personal case is probably typical that the law of God had far more mercy, redemptive power, and was far more just than what we have today….yet I am repeatedly hearing people criticize the law of God as being cruel…obviously they don’t know what they are talking about. And it seems that the sacred is disrespected by today’s judges. They have outlawed teaching intelligent design in our schools. (What they think it was un-intelligent design?? Does it take intelligence to see intelligence?) The American flag is a symbol of America & many men have died for it. During battles, men have died to keep the flag flying. The Supr. Ct. says it is o.k. to dishonor & burn it. I personally would not disrespect anyone’s flag. While I understand people are justifiably outraged by the crimes of this nation, we are always to treat others with respect. I can’t picture Christ grabbing a Roman banner & spitting on it & burning it.

“WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ANOTHER’S SERVANT? ROM 14:4a [In other words, our brothers are accountable to God, not to us, as they are His servants.] “So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or cause to fall in our brother’s way.” ROM 14:12-13 “Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother & judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge….Who are you to judge another?” JAS 4:11-12 It never ceases to amaze me how many people judge others, as if they know the facts & intentions of others. What each of us does has a ripple effect. We are called to be kindly affectionate to one another, to make peace w/ others, and to love others. Let us learn from the good examples around us, and apply what is right to our own lives.

YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH, & THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. JN 8:32. “Examine me, O Lord, & prove me; try…my heart.” PS 26:2 If we want to self-examine ourselves, here are some questions we can sincerely probe ourselves with: 1. Do I really love the truth? 2. Do I know right from wrong, & understand what things bring life, and what brings death? 3. Does my walk show Yahshua’s peace? 4. Do I love Christ and have the assurance of His love in my life? 5. Do I have complete faith in Yahweh’s authority, His goodness, and His Word? 6. Do I love the World & the things that are in the World? What does God have to do for us to know that He is the LORD? (Must it be judgment, like for instance EZ 35?) May God’s instructive Spirit be with you my friend.


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