Our excessive use of enzyme deficient foods is a direct cause of all kinds of health issues. Life is an enzyme process. Enzymes are a true yardstick of a person’s vitality. If we respect that God knew what He was doing, we will realize that we don’t need to genetically modify life as well as other wild ideas such as those sold to us by pharma corporations. The key to health has been here all along & most of us have not used it. Enzymes could save our health, even our lives!!
People who were eating “right”, exercising plenty, & not losing weight have greatly benefited from enzymes. Wade Lightheart, a highly successful body builder & trainer, encountered people, especially woman who had been pregnant, who could just not lose weight. When he placed them on a program of getting the enzymes they needed their excess fat problems disappeared.
Now I am going to challenge your thinking….getting you to think about what most Americans never think about…the nutrition of cooked foods in relation to enzymes. Anything cooked over 118 degrees has lost all (I repeat ALL) of its enzymes that are needed to digest it. Raw food, whether veggies, fruit or meat, come with active enzymes: proteases for proteins, amylases for carbs, & lipases for fats. If something cooked is eaten, then the body must attempt to create the enzymes that are needed to digest it. This process removes valuable enzymes from metabolic uses, & creates all kinds of stresses that lead to diseases. I have wondered why certain groups of people I have observed that eat lots of raw food are so healthy.
Dr. Edward Howell almost a century ago researched the importance of enzymes while others were looking at vitamins, minerals, & other nutrients. His discoveries have been passed down to others, but are not widely known. In looking for copies of his informative books, I was able to find only one copy of one book in our entire state, and that was at OSHU medical library! Wow, such vital info & it is so rare!! (Reminds me of a seminary library that had my Bloodlines book on its shelves for a few months & pulled it, but they have about 30 biographical books puffing Billy Graham. How many does one need about the man?) Have you noticed that nuggets of truth are buried in lots of dirt?
I quote one passage from Dr. Howell to show just one potential health benefit: ” ‘Because of the unrelenting mortality rate from cancer and its close identification with changes in enzyme chemistry, cancer stands out as the number one candidate for massive enzyme therapy. The principles of Enzyme Nutrition and the Food Enzyme Concept disallow direct, specific treatment of cancer. The proper course is to make it unnecessary for the digestive system to produce so many digestive enzymes in order that the enzyme potential will have the capacity to make and channel more metabolic enzymes to the site of malignancy and normalize its enzyme chemistry.’ In fact, the works of Dr. Kelly and Dr. Gonzales have proved these approaches valuable. So valuable that trials with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are currently underway for the use of pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.” Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept by Dr. Edward Howell.
Digestive problems related to allergies & toxins respond to enzyme therapy. Devotees of fast food could benefit from enzyme supplementation. Even better, would be a change of diet to raw foods. Or should I say, a RETURN to raw food like our distant ancestors once ate. Not only is raw food great for the entire vital enzyme dynamic, but it also relates to alkalizing the body vs. creating lots of acidic wastes in the body. Several things increase the acidity: cooking, chemicals & refined sugar. Acidity in the body is yet an entire subject in itself.
I hope to increasingly have more enzymes in my food, & hope to phase out most cooked foods. I encourage others to look into this and take advantage of the body’s natural processes. On the spiritual side of things, I am always amazed at how wonderful our bodies were made, and at times amazed at how ignorantly abusive we are to these Temples of the Holy Spirit


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