DISCOVERY: The process of apprehending, detecting, discerning, researching & uncovering new insights. I have been asked countless times how I do research. And my standard answer is, “I research from every possible source.” The answer is true, but not helpful. This post will break down & describe the various processes of birthing a new understanding. Its goal is to help the reader to birth new ideas.

THE PROBLEM. Doing something & describing how it is done are 2 different things. My varied background has caused some to label me “a renaissance man”, and it has afforded me opportunities to try learning responsibilities as varied as farming, infantry officer, building trades teacher, artist, as well as a researcher. But really helpful instructive info on how to be a farmer, or fight in combat, or successfully teach, or create great art, or be an insightful researcher are seriously lacking. I know because I have looked at what was available. The farmer may be good at what he does, but ask him how he knows the alfalfa is ready to mow, or ready to bail, or how he is able to size up a horse’s personality from how it looks, and he may just stare at you & mumble, “I just know” or “It’s dry enough”. Keep probing, “Yes, but what makes it look dry enough?” and you may have exceeded the farmer’s patience. Our images from Hollywood about war are of no value to know how combat really happens, for instance: how to live in a wet, cold foxhole, shoot instinctively, or cut a man’s throat with a knife (which is not an easy task). As we have gotten into the computer age & artificial intelligence, there is programming to get computers to process information…but the ability of the human mind to discover new ideas is not well known. When people have asked me how I discover things, my answers have been just as worthless as most answers to these “how-do-you-do-it” questions typically are. I can say this to start with…having varied experiences in many areas of life increases the chances that the mind will gather some new idea together from the mix. So don’t be afraid to broaden your horizons. Allow your thinking to be exposed to new things.

THESE POSTS AS AN EXAMPLE. Let’s look at how I write a post. Our thinking functions on two basic levels: what is conscious & what isn’t. Inspirations & insights pop into our conscious mind from unconscious processes. Research & analysis, which are conscious activities, have their place…but the golden aha! moments (which the cartoons show as lightbulbs turning on) are most always subconscious processes. For me the beginning pt. is a prayer for guidance, & then patience. One’s spirit needs holiness & quiet to hear the still voice of the Spirit. At some pt. the revelation comes. I receive a topic for a message and the insight as to why it is important & interesting & useful. Sometimes I have information that is also relatively new, important, interesting & useful for my readers and without any inspiration realize it would make a good post. My research for my books have also depended on help from the Spirit. Each brain has the hidden genius in it that can light up with a new discovery. Let us label the inspired idea for a post=CONCEPTION. After inspiration conceives the start of the project, that project will gestate (like a baby) and must be fed. It is fed by research, focus, the gathering of data, & analysis. But this is just the food, the fuel for the process. The mind is fed this consciously and then the unconscious mind is allowed the time & undisturbed relaxed space to grow it into something unseen by the conscious mind. This is like an incubation period or GESTATION period. The unconscious mind will begin flashing ideas to the surface of the mind, and hopefully one has a pen to write them down. The ideas may come while one is in the shower. Of course in normal life when I am not trying to write an article, one’s golden idea may come unexpectedly without any formal period of relaxation. And one may not specifically prepare the mind to solve anything…one’s life experiences & training may just naturally come into play. In other words, we can intentionally or unintentionally discover new ideas.

STIMULI (or to use a more street term: “triggers”). Life is full of stimuli (activating triggers) that get our minds creatively thinking. For instance, necessity is the mother of invention. Numerous people in life or death situations have creatively discovered answers. It may not even be that serious, it may simply be a chess game where a critical threat has developed. Other times, it may be when we are confronted with an anomaly, something that doesn’t make sense. Why do some die and some live when faced with the same necessity? Their experience, knowledge & wisdom are the material their minds need to draw insights. Why do some decode an anomaly and others don’t? Some people explain things away, ignore things, question the data & the person reporting the anomaly. (It’s why some people when confronted with my research seek ways to tear apart my reputation…he’s a blah, blah, blah so his info has to be flawed…the old “kill the messenger, if you don’t like the message” reaction.) It feels safe to people to preserve their beliefs so many will discount anomalies.

A RECENT CASE… a man came to my house seeking answers where both necessity & anomalies pertained to his situation. His girlfriend had been murdered & the police & the woman’s family were uninterested in solving the case.(Anomaly stimulus) The emotional trauma of her death also created an emotional necessity (stimulus) for him to find answers to bring a closure to the mystery. In this case, he stumbled upon my material on trauma-based mind control, and connected many dots. Connecting the dots is another way to gain an aha! When we expose ourselves to lots of relevant info, we may provide ourselves with the dots that can be associated & framed into a discovery. The human mind is truly amazing that it can figure out which dots are irrelevant, and when the discovery is made we know deep down, “That’s it!!” “Eureka!” “Of course!!” The idea surfaces with such force & certainty, that we know it is the answer.

OTHER STIMULI. Sometimes coincidences happen to us. Our minds like to make sense out of things…sometimes what the mind comes up with is accurate & sometimes off base & wrong. Is there some explanation, some pattern or relationship to discover, or is it merely a coincidence? So we gather more details, and sometimes our conclusions are right & sometimes wrong. The aha!s from analyzing coincidences are vulnerable to misinterpretations. Sometimes what seems to be a coincidence, is in reality a clue to something important. Another stimulus is when we see something unusual & ask, “What is going on here?” Perhaps we discover the answer, & maybe we don’t. The investigation of an unusual event, if solved, is usually solved correctly, while analyzing coincidences is fraught with the risk of bad explanations. Monkeys, chimpanzees & homo sapiens look similar…this is a coincidence that caused the idea that they had a similar ancestor. Now even evolutionists have a different idea. Looking for a false assumption can assist one to explain an inconsistency in one’s understanding. We’ve discussed what stimulates our minds to discover…that is if we don’t intentionally want to stay in the dark, or are incapable of connecting the dots or interpreting the clues & contradictions. Not everyone is a natural Columbo (Peter Falk). And not everyone loves the truth.

APPLICATION. Let’s now apply these things to how I research. Those stimuli are what drive an investigation…that is research…connecting the dots (seeing patterns), looking into contradictions (anomalies, irregularities, & inconsistencies), and following up our curiosities. For the sake of this post, we will look at one example: Billy Graham. The anomalies caught my attention back in the ‘70’s: his guards w/ automatic weapons, his unusual amount of time spent hobnobbing like 110 games of golf with Nixon, his popularity with the world & the Pope, & how a busy person like him could crank out books regularly. I noticed patterns: he promoted liberal Christians, he praised Masons & likewise Masonic books/magazines praised him. I had curiosities that I wanted to understand, why the stats from the crusades seemed so high, but people I had known who were saved at Crusades had fallen away due to neglect. And how was it that different denominations that mutually hate each other, say for instance, the Church of Christ & the Catholics, were all cooperating with B.G.’s crusades. As the years went on, the anomalies, patterns, and curiosities that I have seen are quite numerous—these were only a few of the beginning ones. Not only did these give me things to research, but they also allowed me to understand the testimony of Freemasons who confided that B.G. was a Freemason, as well as Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree Freemason, who said Billy Graham had been at his 33rd degree initiation ceremony. Ex-Illuminati, and other witnesses also shared their eyewitness accounts. A suspicious mind-set has been proven to be helpful for people to think up new discoveries. Many inventions have come from people who resisted P.C. thinking. Running with the crowd (like a lemming) is definitely not helpful in discerning new truths. Your eyes will merely see what you tell them to see. Pride goes before the fall.

WIDER APPLICATION. Life is full of opportunities to come up with new ideas: What song in life will suit us? What scheme is reliable to invest in? How can I motivate my children to do something? How can I beat my opponent in our next game? And the answers will come to us through a process: a situation will have a stimulus, and then the unconscious mind, if it is informed enough & is given a chance, will provide us with the answers that change our lives. It helps to actively want answers. It helps to pray. At times I tell my mind what needs to be solved before I go to sleep, & wake up with the answer. During the process, we may have to build a new understanding or discard one. We may have to have patience. Sometimes the entire process is step by step & can take time. What really assists me is the wide range of sources that I use, & the enormous amount of reading that I perform, as well as my experience in finding & using written resources. One needs to comprehend the limitations of a written source. Typically, a book is written by one person, which then gives you one perspective. We see 3-D, so that should tell you that reading one perspective on a subject may have its limitations, even if it seems good. One also needs to understand the limitations of what the Internet has, which is perhaps at best 1% of what is there to learn. (On the other hand, so much is contained within the minds of humanity—the problem is how to ask the right person!) The large amount of experience & info I provide my mind then in turn acts as food for the brain to create & birth new insights. The same processes that have helped me, have also blessed many others. And now hopefully, these processes have been described in meaningful words for you. Be blessed my friend.


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