Bondage & Bonbons 3 APR 2013

Bondage & Bonbons: Exposing the hidden history of sugar! I’d break sugar’s story into 3 phases…a rare rich man’s food for thousands of years is then mainstreamed & becomes the foundation for the elite’s after-Columbus wealth & enslavement of the world, & as it’s addiction has spread it has increasingly destroyed humanity’s health with the compounding of degenerating killer diseases with each succeeding generation.

Back when sugar was rare, the ancient wisdom in God’s Word warns us about worldly delights (“Let me not eat of their dainties…” PS 141:4) and to go easy on the sweets (PRV 25:27). Wise prophet Daniel refused the king’s food. After the fall of Babylon, Persian ruler Darius 1 brought sugar back from India. The production of sugar eventually spread around the Mediterranean, but production was limited, so it remained a food only kings could eat. Even so, we see a foreshadow of things-to-come after Columbus. Even then sugar production required slavery & a factory industry. It was the first agri-business, and many slaves were obtained for the European & Moslem sugar industry from captured Russians. Sugar plantations were single crop businesses, in contrast with how sustainable farming had historically mixed various crops & animals on small farms.

Columbus brought sugar cane to the New World & began the sugar agri-business (a “white” gold rush) for the elite, which quietly became the financial foundation for our World Order, more than Amer.’s gold & silver. The idea was to take what only kings could afford, and make incredible profits by getting people addicted to sugar & sugar products (like alcoholic beverages). Tea, coffee & chocolate (which all needed sugar) were introduced to commoners. The idea of desserts at the end of meals was introduced & became popular. Millions of Africans were brought over to produce the sugar, and were worked to death under hellish conditions. Such large quantities of sugar were produced from the Caribbean Islands & So. America that sugar became an everyday item of food. The wealth from sugar drove the entire World economy!! As an example of the hellish work, a slave binding 12 stalks into a bundle was expected to cut & bind 4,200 stalks a day. The overseers of the slaves kept control by sheer terror & torture. The overseers & masters were treated as gods. As one slave put it, “Sugar was God. Work was the only religion.” Slaves died off by the tens of thousands in every locality. The plantations were death camps, yet the common people in Europe were shielded from realizing the full horror behind the sweets they became addicted to.

The Industrial age came in the 1800’s as commoners were moved from the farms into cities to work the machines of new factories. Cookies & sweetened teas were like energy drinks for the factory workers. Sugar played a big role in allowing the factory sweat shops to keep workers going long hours. Plus the money that created these factories came from the elite’s sugar profits.

Sugar had another beneficial result for the elite, it weakened the commoners with debilitating diseases that had previously been rare or non-existent, such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension & cancer, and made the workers dependent upon another new money making industry—the health care industry. Calories from a potato are metabolized differently than from sugar. Cells metabolize potato calories; sugar is metabolized by the liver. The liver deals w/ a fast rate of sugar by converting it to fat (hence our 33% obesity rate). A fatty liver leads to insulin resistance which in turn leads to increased cancer. Sugar raises inflammation. Poor circulation caused by sugar damages both the heart & head, & contributes to dementia. No need to discuss the effects of alcohol & soda pop on our lives. Our sugar addiction has been the foundation for the elite to make vast sums of money & to create a world economic system, as well as to make us diseased & dependent. Satan & his System love to exploit our desires (lusts of the flesh). I can’t help but think of the verse, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” PRV 14:12.


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