svali Archives - Page 4 of 9 - DeprogramWiki

Retraumatization (Svali Blog Post)

  This information is mirrored from – This article addresses how we, as therapists and counselors can unawarely retraumatize our patients, even when they have told us clearly this is what we are doing. The question will surely be asked, “How could I continue to damage my client in such a way if they… read more »

Reprogramming the Mind: a Book Review (Svali Blog Post)

  This information is mirrored from – Trigger warning: explicit Christian content is discussed When undoing the effects of a lifetime of abuse and traumatic programming, the survivor is faced with a daunting task. This task is the challenging of old beliefs that have been deeply held, core beliefs that were taught through set-up… read more »

Q & A: Svali Answers Readers Questions

March 23, 2001 Q: Can the Illuminati’s family trees be traced back to specific towns in Europe? A: Yes, and this depends on the branch. There is the German branch, the French branch, the UK branch, and the Russian branch. Each has roots in different areas of Europe. The towns of central Germany and Austria… read more »

Prejudice Against Survivors (Svali Blog Post)

  This information is mirrored from – I had been out of the cult for almost 8 months and felt alone and isolated. I had been going to a large metropolitan church in the city that I was living in, and had seen a Bible Study for survivors of sexual abuse advertised in the… read more »

Overcoming Denial (Svali Blog Post)

This information is mirrored from – “You know you’re making all of this up, it isn’t true. I certainly don’t remember any of the things you are telling me.”The speaker was my mother, two years ago, and she was telling me in no uncertain terms that she did not believe me. Her amnesia is… read more »

On Having Need (Svali Blog Post)

This information is mirrored from – This is a guest article by someone who has written expressively and eloquently on how the survivor of cult abuse feels. Her name is niid la’i and she speaks for many of us about the isolation and loss of identity, the need to protect oneself after a lifetime… read more »

On Dissociation: Part Two (Svali Blog Post)

  This information was mirrored from – Survivors Speak Out: On dissociation, part two: Frank, a male survivor of ritual abuse both in the U.S. and Canada, shares what being DID means to him:Being DID has made me feel distrustful of people at times. There was so much hurt to me, and that’s why… read more »

Near Death Experiences (Svali Blog Post)

This information is mirrored from – Near Death Programming (**note: the content of this article discusses traumatic programming in some detail, and could be very triggering to survivors who have undergone this type of abuse. If you are a survivor, please do not read unless you are with a safe person, or with your… read more »

MK ULTRA/Assassin Programming (Svali Blog Post)

This information is mirrored from – Trigger warning: discusses cult abuse and programming; graphic detail** In the next few months, I plan to write some articles on how more complex forms of programming are done by the Illuminati. This is the first in a series, and I hope it is helpful information. Because it… read more »

Maintaining External Safety (Svali Blog Post)

  This information is mirrored from – As survivors heal, they often learn things that are helpful to others. In this guest article, Olyssa shares what has helped her in maintaining safety from the cult. I admire her courage and her insights here as she shares from her heart. The goal of external safety… read more »
