The Role of the Genetic Parents in Programming – Svali Blog Post 2020

The Role of the Genetic Parents in Programming

In other articles, I have briefly discussed the role of the birth mother in programming, if prenatal programming is done by a group. But there are two other individuals who are also important to programming: the genetic father, and the genetic mother.

While often the genetic mother (who is a cult member) does not carry the child during pregnancy (this role is given to a “carrier” or “birth mother”), she will be an important part of both the prenatal and post-natal programming. During pregnancy, due to the generational inherited sin in their DNA, the genetic mother and father will be part of important programming sequences designed to foster both the acceptance and love (reward) and rejection and punishment that are foundational to programming. The unborn child and the newborn baby recognizes spiritually their genetic parents.

Once the child is born, the genetic parents are often present at the initial rituals done to “welcome” the infant into the world with a sacrifice. They may state how glad they are to finally see the infant; but they also make clear the spiritual and performance expectations for the infant from its first breath. The genetic father may place a demand upon the newborn to receive a demonic spirit, in return for life. Both genetic parents, as well as the primary trainers (the parents may also be trainers) will blame the infant for the death of the birth mother, causing confusion: the infant knows that the adults at the birth did the real murder, and the infant then comes to realize that the adults he or she depend upon for survival are not only dangerous, they are liars. In order to survive this unbearable reality, the newborn will often dissociate.

The genetic parents teach the infant a terrible reality: that survival requires pretending, listening to lies from the adults around the infant, and pretending to believe them. Part of the infant always knows the truth: that the things they are told to believe are not true. But the infant’s survival depends upon pleasing its parents and trainers, and so the infant will dissociate, and create parts designed to make the lies believable.

For example, in a typical setup during infancy, an infant will be told that one of the other infants is “bad” and “deserves to die”. The infants in the room are all aware of the real truth: this other baby was just being a normal baby, it did nothing worthy of death. Infants are incapable of adult thought and predetermined action, as imputed to the supposedly “evil” baby. But in order to survive, the infants all agree to believe this lie, and watch wide-eyed as one of the other infants is put to death in front of the others. The message to believed is given during this trauma: “bad” (disobedient) babies die, and “good” (obedient babies” live. This message is incorporated into traumatized parts.

When the genetic mother or father tell their child that he or she is loved, or good, or accepted, the child responds in a unique way. Biologically, the infant is wired to respond to these individuals, and spiritually, their spirit understands that these are the individuals whose DNA conceived them.  Messages of love and acceptance have even greater importance than from others, especially if the infant is allowed to interact with them to any great degree.

The genetic parents will most often be the individuals who give the child over to Satan or another spiritual entity that the cult group worships.  This follows a spiritual principle, in which the genetic parents have the greatest spiritual authority over the child, and their doing so gives the ceremony a greater spiritual impact, keeping the generational iniquity for the bloodline continuing.

It is often the genetic mother or father who first chains a child to an idol, or leaves the child alone in a room where a demonic entity is expected to enter, and “teach” the child. This spiritual giving the child up to the demonic becomes an important area to address, when becoming free of this type of control.

Becoming free of generational occultic abuse will include looking at the role that the genetic parents held, and breaking all soul ties, sexual ties, ritual ties, and others. It will involve breaking the curses, vows, covenants and agreements made by and with the genetic parents.  Finally, at some point, the survivor will need to be willing to forgive their genetic parents for the abuse, manipulation of attachment needs, and dysfunctional role modeling that occurred.  This forgiveness cannot be rushed, though, as the survivor needs time to examine both the love, and the hate, that they felt for these individuals. The need to dissociate between loving and hating the genetic parents (and other cult caretakers) in order to survive, is one of the foundations of early dissociation, and healing this will take time.


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