Primary Emotions that Drive Programs – Svali Blog Post 2019

Primary Emotions that Drive programs

While various groups program in different ways, there are some universal principles regarding programming that most groups do utilize. This includes the use of emotions to drive programs, with the emotions held by very young parts.

These emotions can be categorized into both negative and positive emotions, and can include:

  • Guilt: this is developed within very young parts (fetal parts, for international groups) for a reason: if the person feels tremendous guilt, then they will believe that they “deserve” the abuse, or programming, and will be less likely to fight it. This guilt can be created in various ways, such as:
    • Hurting the birth mother, and having the birth mother blame the fetus (in fetal programming, the birth mother is the first “programmer” since the fetus will attune to her voice and emotional state)
    • Infant traumas that cause guilt, such as blaming the infant for the death of the birth mother; or for “killing” another baby, etc.

Because the infant will believe they have done “bad” things, they will begin to believe the script that they “deserve” to be punished, or that they are “evil”. This is the basis for self-punishment and reprogramming sequences (the reprogramming systems will often have a foundational belief that they are “keeping the evil” within at bay, or other reasons, for continuing to do their internal jobs).

  • Rage: Rage is used to drive self-punishment programs; self-sabotage; assassin programs, and others. The child is taught to “give away” the rage to these parts, who hold the rage and then deliver it to fuel the programs.
  • Terror: This emotion, which is often held by a direct core split (as the other emotions described here are, too), will include a primal terror of disobedience to either the trainers, or to a spiritual being (such as Satan). In the prenatal traumas, the fetus will be put through setups in which at first the birth mother, and eventually at some point, the fetus, is given a command which they disobey.  Once the disobedience occurs, the punishment is swift and brutal, and could include the birth mother and fetus being put to death temporarily, and then resuscitated if they vow to “never disobey”; or the fetus being taken out of the womb, exposed to bright lights, cold, and painful shocks or other traumas, and being told that they cannot go back into the womb unless they vow to never disobey; the fetus is told that the trauma outside the womb is “the terror of disobedience” in this cruel setup. Similar setups may occur during infancy or early childhood, depending upon the age the group creates the trauma, such as lowering the child into a deep well; hanging them from a bridge; or lowering them partway into a rat pit, or burying them alive,  to name a few examples.

In order for the core to dismantle this fear of disobedience, the core and other parts will need to be able to process these early traumas that instilled this feeling of terror. This terror will often fuel retaliation programs if other parts attempt to stop running their programs (the retaliation parts will have a deep terror of the programs stopping, but may not consciously remember why, at first). These prime terrors regarding “disobedience” instilled will often create the conflicts about giving up programs seen in many survivors: while parts want the programs to stop, other parts may be terrified of what could happen if they do; or of facing these early traumas.

  • Despair: very early in life, including in the womb for groups that do prenatal programming, an initial core split that holds intense despair will be created. This split may hold despair due to:
    • Rejection by the birth mother, or another prime mother figure (e.g. being told they want the fetus to die; they want to abort the fetus, etc.)
    • Belief instilled that things will “never get better” and therefore attempting to fight the trainers is useless. This despair is carefully contained within these parts, whose job is in part to demotivate the individual from attempting to dismantle their programs, or to leave the group

When a survivor encounters core despair, it can feel overwhelming. This feeling often fuels internal suicide and omega programs, as well as “don’t bother to try healing, it will never work” programs. This is why having healthy support, and working on processing the feelings at a safe pace, are important.  It is important to balance internal work of this type with experiences that create healthier emotions and satisfaction.

  • Love: this emotion is manipulated, through the use of attachment needs in the fetus and/or infant. Often, trainers will tell the very young child “we are doing this because we love you” and other scripts designed to exact control. The fetus will be told “I love you” by the birth mother in order to enhance the bond, and increase control over the fetus (who will agree to the earliest programming in order to please the birth mother and win her love). There will often be “good babies” (who obey the birth mother and trainers) set in direct opposition to “bad babies” (who are rejected, and “deserve punishment” in these early scripts).  As the child grows, their need for love will be manipulated over and over again, to drive programs such as loyalty programs, recontact programs, and rescue programs (where the individual will attempt to “rescue” loved ones in the group who are threatened, by coming back, if they attempt to leave).

Love for God is also manipulated. The primary trainer will often play the part of “god” in the system, and will show either “love” or “anger” in order to get the infant to respond in the desired way. This includes periods of intentional bonding, during which the infant is held, nurtured, rocked, and played with, to promote loyalty to the trainer and a desire to please him or her.

  • Joy: The emotion of joy may be manipulated as well, as the “reward” side of the programs. When an individual is obeying their programming, they may be flooded with joy and a sense of well-being from these parts, which may include “celestial” or “ascended” parts that have experienced setups in the “celestial realms” in which good experiences occurred. Most punishment systems (such as “hell” systems, etc.) will be counterbalanced with reward systems that show (and feel) the “joys” of obedience. The reward systems will often be discovered much later than the punishment systems, for a reason: the systems often do not want to give up the “good” feelings held by reward systems; but want to be set free from the uncomfortable ones.
  • Peace: In a childhood filled with abuse, control and violence, the moments of peace and a sense of well-being are treasured. These feelings are often created through intentional setups that may include drugs and/or technology, as a reward to the systems for obedience. Loss of this peace is seen as a form of punishment, and is a motivator to continue running programs.

In the false Christian systems, “peace” such as this may also be used to manipulate the individual. If they are praying about a decision, the false Christian parts may cause a feeling of peace if the individual makes a decision that agrees with the cult agenda; and a sense of unease if they are disobeying it. It can take time to work through this type of program, and discern what is truly the Holy Spirit, versus what is programmed in.

These are some of the primary emotions used to drive programming in an individual. Often, parts will share first about how the programs are set up inside; it is often later in the healing journey when the emotions at the base of the programs that actually drive them, come forward. It is as important to process the feelings held by these parts, as to gain the cognitive memories, in order for full healing to occur. This is where providing a safe environment for emotional processing is critical to healing from intentional trauma.


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