Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer

Questions / Answers from Readers [1]
December 20, 2000
Q: ’’I read that ’Jenny Craig’ and a lot of weight loss centers are in fact ’fronts’ for access to women they can program … Ask Svali if this is true (if she knows) and what other businesses or ’non-profit’ organizations are involved, if any …?’’

A: My answer has two parts. First, normally, the Illuminati do NOT do much recruiting outside their group (other occult groups do, perhaps). They just don’t trust outsiders that much. On the rare occasions that they do, it is always a young child who is brought in. A lot of the programming cannot be done after a certain age (8) or it will induce severe trauma or even psychosis in a person who is unable to dissociate adequately. You can create some functional states, but not anything near the complex groupings and abilities that trainers like to see.

Now, part two. Many woman who are severely overweight have been sexually abused, and may be already dissociative. They may have other trauma as well. So, if a person were interested in looking for dissociators, it would make sense that they would go to places like this. I wasn’t involved in any type of recruiting activities, never saw it done.

Some children are brought in from the outside through:

child pornography rings
these children already dissociate, so they are “stepped up” into the cult
some parents “sell” their children to be used and trained by the cult
some child psychologists are taught to look for very young children
But in my reality, everyone I knew was generational, on both sides of the family. Wish I could help you, but this is how the Illuminati operated in San Diego and Washington, DC. It’s possible that some branches in other states do more recruitment than I was exposed to. I have heard survivor stories of children recruiting other children, for example, although it wasn’t done in the groups I belonged to.

A: Addendum: I just want to add that the Illuminati are only one of several occult groups that operate in the North American continent. There are many others, and they may do more recruitment and things that I haven’t mentioned. The Illuminists tend to have a more scientific, and military, approach to their programming, whereas other groups operate differently. Some groups, such as the Templar Knights, do NOT believe in demonic worship, although they are Luciferian and practice mysteries. Each group has its own agenda. I can only speak for the Illuminati in the areas of the U.S. and Europe that I lived in.

Q: Having worked professionally in numerous cities and campuses, I have never heard of ritual abuse by leadership in our communities. Svali’s experiences appear to be genuine, however I cannot accept the notion that this Illuminati has a dominant role in ritually abusing children, adults and an ability to brutalize others and get away with it without raising suspicions among the cognoscenti.

Is she actually inferring that there exists a LEADERSHIP in professional areas and we as a public have not understood the extent of this? Perhaps her experiences should be shared with those in the ritually abused community. Do we really have a threat we need to worry about?

A: In answering this, I need to raise a couple of points.

The Illuminati and their followers are a minority of our world’s population. In San Diego county, where the population is over 2 million, there existed 5 years ago 24 sister groups with membership of roughly 60 to 75 each. Leadership council over the county was 13 members. So, in a metro center with over 2 million, the active Illuminists comprised less than 1500 members. The Illuminati are possibly 1% to 2% of the population in the US. What this means is that 99% of the people you know and work with are NOT Illuminati. They are good, hard working people (at least most are) who want a paycheck, and a good family life. MOST of the leaders in our communities and financial systems have never heard of the Illuminati, because they are a minority.

So, why worry about them? Because a small group of evil people can do great damage. I will use an analogy.

MOST people in our society are not involved in child pornography, consider it a crime against children, and would fight against it given the chance. Yet, the small minority of those involved in it do incalculable damage to the children involved. The effects of the crime are greater than the bare numbers involved.

Why isn’t child pornography stopped? We have the evidence, law enforcement knows it exists, yet it is a multi-billion dollar industry. HOW do these people “hide” from justice and capture? Why don’t the police stop them? Because they aren’t stupid. They work under secrecy. They change locations frequently, and kill those who talk to law enforcement. Bribes and other means are used to cover their tracks, and they hire excellent lawyers.

Okay, now lets look at the Illuminists. The 1% of our nation involved are extremely intelligent. They have sworn an oath on pain of death from toddler-hood on to never reveal their true allegiance to outsiders.

Do you know how many business leaders in your community are Masons? Yet this is not an oath on pain of death. How much less would an Illuminist share their leanings, or be detected. I have written an article on Suite 101 on ’’Why the cult doesn’t get caught’’ with more information on this topic.

I HAVE shared this information with the survivor community. I have gone to the police, to therapists that work with survivors. I publish on Suite 101 precisely to help educate the public and survivors about this abuse. The main danger of the Illuminati is the 1 to 2 % involved in this group are intelligent, and many are well funded.

Q & A [2: Svali Answers More Questions]
April 04, 2001

Q: I’m very concerned about the New World Order scheme and my questions are meant to help me find possible ways to proceed in helping to defeat the scheme.

A: I know I sound cynical, but good luck! I really do wish you the best in this. I believe that it would take a LOT of people joining together, with immense wealth and excellent lawyers, to stop them.

I personally do not have any experience with any groups dedicated to stopping them, since I live in a small rural community and have no contacts of this nature. I do wish any groups dedicated to stopping this horrific abuse of small children the very best, and will pray that they succeed. But this is also a spiritual battle, and anyone who takes on this type of occult evil would also need to be aware of spiritual warfare. The Illuminists certainly use it against others, and anyone stepping into this arena without prayer would be very vulnerable, in my opinion.

Q: Have you considered starting a 12 step group like AA for ritual abusers and cult victims? I know from personal experience that the spiritual 12 step program works.

A: I believe that there are already groups such as this out there. I know that there are AA groups for incest survivors, and many also have branched off into RA [Ritual Abuse] support as well. Since I live in a rural area (population 100 unless you count the squirrels and cows), I would not be close enough to lead any groups such as this. They are usually found near large metropolitan areas. In fact, I drive two hours once a month to therapy, since that is the closest to where I live.

Q: Were you allowed to read and listen to what you wanted while you were in the Illuminati, or was everything censored? If it wasn’t censored, it seems like members could notice that Illuminati teachings about betrayal being a human attribute are false. Right?

A: Wrong. I was never censored what I read, but you have to understand their mind set. As a small child, my parents told me that everyone was secretly a member of this group, and that the daytime was a “facade” or “pretense’ that all maintain.

They would take me to friends’ houses for dinner, and afterwards a ritual would occur, so I believed them. I grew up since infancy believing that this was just how the world operated for all: people act one way in the daytime, another at night. I knew that there was mention of love, caring, and trust in books, but believed it was a “daytime” quality, and that the people who wrote of these things were writing from their daytime personas.

There was a complete and utter division between day and night from my first days of life. To question something, you have to be able to step outside it, and I never had the maturity, or any reason to question the teachings, until I was much older. Think about it. All around were movies reinforcing what the cult taught, the Disney films, etc; I listened to heavy metal groups, whose values echoed what I was taught at night. In fact, outside of Christian literature, there is not much out there that would engender trust in other human beings.

Q: I was shocked to hear you say you were forced to shoot a friend of yours. Are many members forced to shoot or kill someone, or is this just for punishment training? Is it just outsiders who are killed? Are you able to discuss the shooting, or is this too hard to discuss?

A: The friend was not an outsider, she was part of the group, and considered expendable. In this group, people are one of two things: “useful” or “expendable”. Everyone works quite hard to be useful. It is not a common punishment, in fact rare, but my mother was an unusually driven and ambitious person.

She was a head trainer, and sat on the regional council over the Washington DC area in the spiritual seat (the other seats on the council were military, held by her boss at the Pentagon, where she worked, his cult name was “Ashtoth“, a government seat, leadership, scholarship, and sciences seats).

Usually, they bring in outsiders for rituals or killing, but this was an unusually harsh punishment to teach me an unforgettable lesson (it did: I never made a friend after that. I didn’t like those higher than me, and had no wish to make friends with those she considered “worthy” of a “leader” and other nonsense).

Very rarely, in military exercises, those who were weak or kept a unit behind consistently were shot to teach the others a lesson (I saw it happen once). This never happened to the children of leaders, only those from lower levels.

Q: You say you begged God for a better home every night, but became embittered against God for not providing it. Were you praying to a benevolent God or to the Illuminati god? If the former, then where did you get your idea of a benevolent God?

A: This is a great question. I was NOT praying to the Illuminati deities, because to me, they were cruel and sadistic and frightening. I was praying to my child’s concept of a good God, from my reading, watching of TV, and also the innate knowledge that all children have in their hearts that somewhere, up there, is a good God.

I also had a few experiences with angels, and being protected as a child during horrendous trauma, and this also formed my concept that good existed. They never actually tried to stop me from praying, since positive spirituality gives hope, and can help prevent suicide.

In fact, I was forbidden to read about or seek any knowledge about the occult in my day life, because otherwise too much would be given to the occult and the risk of suicide would have increased. They are believers in “balance’, even in this area.

Q: You said “Papa Brogan” [see previous article] was the only kind adult in your life growing up. Do you mean he showed you affection? In what way?

A: Dr. Timothy Brogan was a professor at George Washington University. He was a specialist in neuropsychology, and one of the top Illuminati trainers in the DC area. He was also close friends with Sidney Gottlieb (another of my mother’s “friends”).

Anyway, he could be very kind as well as cruel. He would hold me on his lap, call me his “little one”, and praised me highly when I did well. He taught me chess, and would read works of literature to me. He told me I was his “adopted daughter” and that he was proud of me. We would hold intellectual discussions until late at night, and he imparted his views of leadership and training to me. Not all Illuminati activity is cruel or inhumane; he could be caring and loving as well. I would play with his children, who were older than me, and he would patiently answer my questions about science, geography, and other topics. I bonded completely to him, which made the torture and sexual abuse especially painful and betraying.

Q: You say you had a core split, over 7,000 fragments and 16 internal systems. You mean you developed split personalities who weren’t aware of each other? If so, did any of these personalities seem to have a fairly nice life?

A: Yep, split personalities. Most of the people I knew in the Illuminati were fairly fragmented (in fact, I cannot think of anyone who was not dissociative to some degree). Even the local and regional leaders all come in for regular “programming tune ups” as Jonathan and I used to call them. The largest split was between the front and back; ie. daily life and night life. Most, but not all, of the night alters could communicate, or at least the controllers and the higher parts inside could (and relay information to those beneath them). And yes, many of my personalities had a wonderful life. I had 140 created to deal with daytime life, such as work, friends, and fun (who have coalesced).

Many of my back people had good experiences, such as the ones I described above with Dr. Brogan. Others were pampered and praised, told that I would be a leader in the coming “New Order” (of course, they tell everyone that….). I was to be a mediator between governmental figures in different nations because of my language abilities and people mediation skills. Many of my internal parts were quite proud of their abilities and accomplishments in the group, and grieved heavily when I left.

Q: Are the non-German Illuminists not Nazis, racist white supremacists, or genocidal maniacs? And, if the leadership in all countries is Illuminati, that must mean they’re of all races, which seems to mean the white supremacists oppose the non-white Illuminati. Is this right?

A: Not all Illuminist groups are as fanatically anti-racial as the German branch is, although many are. These people are racist in the extreme, but they are also very practical, and realize that world domination is not possible without the aid of non-white races. That is why loyal figures in these countries are being promised leadership positions for their area, under the supervision of Illuminist commanders.

They also view Orientals differently than other nonwhite races, because of the long history of occult mysticism in many countries (such as Tibet, for example), the long history of culture, and the high intelligence. This is why the oriental branches are highly regarded, even in Europe. But they do believe that Europe will be the center of world government and leadership.

Even in non-white countries, the top leadership is still white, or nearly so. For example, in South America, the top leaders are European in descent, with less of the mestizo mixing. In Africa, many of the leaders behind the scenes are whites, although there are local black leaders who have demonstrated extreme loyalty. They are using them, though, since these members will never be able to hold top leadership in the world. (Those positions are already taken).

All this said, I believe that the racist and hateful policies of the Illuminati are despicable in the extreme. One of my biggest quarrels with leadership was this position, among others. I hope this has answered some of your questions.
