Chapter Thirteen: Shell programming, Internal Councils, Human Experimentation, Function Codes
Chapter Thirteen: Shell programming, Internal Councils, Human Experimentation, Function Codes
by: Svali
Shell programming is a form of programming used to create a shell on the outside, that other alters inside speak through. This is a designed to hide the person’s multiplicity from the outside world, and works extremely well with highly fragmented systems. It also takes a person with the ability to dissociate to a great degree.
How it is done: with shell programming, the trainer will often take a clear plastic or glass mask, and put it in front of the subject. They will be extremely traumatized, shocked, drugged, and told that they (the alter or alters in front) are the mask that they see. Their job will be to be a shell, or voice, to cover for the others behind. These parts will be so traumatized that they literally see themselves as only a shell, with no real substance or body.
Others inside will then be directed to come next to the shell alters, and use their voice to cover their own. This allows greater fragmentation of the person, while being able to hide it from outside view, since the internal alters will learn to present through the shell. Shell alters always see themselves as clear, and will have no color if color coding is present in other systems.
Recognizing the trauma that occurred, and finding out where the shell fragments came from, will help. Allowing both the shell alters and the other alters to recognize that this is how they have been presenting, and why, will be an important step. Back alters may then begin presenting without going through the shell, and the person may look more multiple than they ever have for a period, with accents or young voices coming through. What is actually happening is that the back is presenting without masking who they are through the shell. Meanwhile, the shell alters may decide to coalesce, for greater strength, and may decide to change jobs. Each system will decide what is best for them.
Many trainers will put themselves in the person, over the internal programmers or trainers. This is because they are egotistical, but also because it uses a well known phenomenon of human nature: PEOPLE TEND TO INTERNALIZE THEIR ABUSERS. The survivor may be horrified to find a representative of one of their worst perpetrators inside, but this was a survival mechanism. A tenet of human behavior is that often people will punish someone less who mimics them. A brutal nazi will be less likely to punish another brutal nazi, but will look down upon and punish a weak, crying person. So, the survivor will internalize the rough nazi inside, to avoid being hurt. The survivor may mimic accents, mannerisms, even claim the perpetrator’s life history as their own.
The ultimate form of internalization comes with internalizing hierarchical councils. The person, under pain, hypnosis, and drugs, will be taught to incorporate a highly dissociated group inside to lead the others. These will often be created from core splits, because the trainers want them to be extremely strong, stable alters in the system.
It is not uncommon for the survivor to incorporate a parent, both parents, or grandparents, into their internal leadership hierarchy in a generational survivor.
High priests and priestesses may sit on ruling councils inside.
They also have the most to lose, if the survivor leaves the cult, and may fight this decision tooth and nail. They will often be the alters with an attitude.
Both the survivor and therapist need to recognize that these parts had powerful needs that were met in the cult setting. To ignore this and argue with them will only entrench their belief that therapists are stupid and unknowing people. Acknowledge their internal role while gently pointing out reality. Try to enlist their aid in helping the survivor strengthen. Discuss honestly the pros and cons of leaving the cult. These are highly intellectual alters, and they need to express their concerns and doubts. Setting good boundaries and not allowing verbal abuse of the therapist is important. These alters are used to pushing people around verbally, and have been rewarded for it prior to therapy. Now, they need to learn new coping skills and behaviors, and the process may take time. Allow them to vent their anger, displeasure, and fears about the decision to leave the cult. Offer them new jobs inside the person of leadership over safety committees, or even decision making committees.
Sometimes, a system that has broken free from the cult, and has no external hierarchy that they are accountable to will go through a short period of chaos as word gets out: we’re free, and don’t have to do what the cult tells us to do any more! Hundreds of internal arguments may break out as to: what do we do for a living? where do we live? what do we eat? what hobbies will we have? Everybody wants to come out, see the daytime, and live this new, free life. But the freedom may cause imbalance with all of the switching going on inside. Enlisting the aid of the internal hierarchy, and creating a limited democracy, with ground rules, may help during this time. Don’t dismantle the internal hierarchy overnight, or the systems will be rudderless. Enlist their aid in helping direct which direction the survivor goes. Things will settle down after a period, as the systems learn to listen to each other, vote on ideas, and begin going together in the same direction.
It also did not stop at the end of the war. German trainers and scientists were scattered around the world, and hidden, where they continued teaching others the principles they had learned, and continued with ongoing experimentation.
Some of this experimentation occurred with government funding through groups such as the CIA and NSA. The Illuminati had people infiltrated throughout these groups, who used the principles discovered and shared them with their own trainers.
Experimentation is going on, even to this day. It is done secretly. Its purpose is to help improve and create more sophisticated training techniques. To prevent ”programming failures”, or ”pfs” as they are called in the cult.
Many, many survivors, if not all, will have been told that they are only an experiment. This may or may not be true. Trainers like to tell their subjects that they are experiments, even if they aren’t, for several reasons:
2. It devalues the person immensely. They will feel that they have no real value as a human being, that all they are is an experiment. Someone who feels devalued doesn’t care, and will be willing to do things they wouldn’t if they felt some value, some humanization.
3. It gives the trainer added power, as they are the one who can begin or stop the experiment. Almost always, when the person is TOLD they are an experiment, it isn’t really true. When trainers and cult members really do experiments, the subjects are never told, because it could bias results. The fear could interfere with drug effects, and skew the results. Most recent cult experimentation has been in the area of: drug effects: using different drugs, both alone and in new combinations and dosages, to induce trance states and open the person to training. Drugs are looked for which will shorten the time interval needed to induce trance state, which are quickly metabolized, and leave no detectable residues the next day.
Praise and punishment as motivators
Isolation techniques: recording data both physiological and psychological from different isolation methods. Removing, adding, combining different methods of sensory isolation, and the effect of each.
Effectiveness of virtual reality in implanting programming.
Effectiveness of new disks created to put programming in. Cult graphics and computer experts will work to create better and more effective VR disks, which are tested on cult subjects for their effectiveness. The cult wants more and more standardization, and less room for human error and weakness, in its training techniques, which is why it is going more and more to high tech equipment and videos. Attempts to break programming, cause program failure; recording what is effective, what isn’t and develop new sequences to prevent pf. Subjects under hypnosis are ordered to try and break certain internal programming sequences. The ways they go about this, and what seems effective, are shared with the trainers, who then create new programs to prevent degradation of programming from occurring.
Harmonic/light, sensory deprivation and over stimulation and the effects neurologically and physically. New combinations of sensory input are always being tested to see which achieve the most lasting results, and can be done rapidly.
This has been the emphasis in most research it has done. The results of this research is shared worldwide, both by internet, phone calls, and international trainer conferences, where trainers worldwide share the results of what they are finding. New techniques are incorporated by other groups which are eager to find out what is being discovered.
Top trainers and leaders will initiate an experiment with a new drug. They will learn to triturate dosages, and record all observable facts on hundreds of subjects. After enough data is gotten, they will then clear it for use by trainers in local groups. It will then still be considered experimental, but will be second level, instead of first level experimentation. At this point, all trainers in local groups will be told to record and report any adverse reactions to the drug, any usual dosages needed, etc. This data is collected in databanks (yes, the cult is now in the computer age), inside of encrypted files, which will then be sent to a central base in Langley, Virginia.
Alters used in experiments, or told that they were experiments, need to realize they are valuable. They will need to realize they went through intense programming, and be allowed to vent and discuss their experiences. The fear related to believing they were an experiment needs to be vented appropriately. They will be angry at the dehumanization, intentionality, and coldness of what they went through, and quite rightly so. They may rail against the effects in their life now of the experiments and procedures they went through, and need to grieve over loss of body image; loss of trust in people; the sense of betrayal and helplessness that they felt during the procedures. They may want to journal, or draw pictures of their experiences.
A warm, empathetic therapist, who listens, and believes, and does not discount what they went through, is invaluable at this point. Allowing internal cognitives and helpers ground parts who went through bizarre sensory experiences, and creating grounding committees inside will also help. Extra support may be needed while dealing with experiences and feelings of this intensity.
Function Codes:
Command Codes: these are irreversible commands, put in at the limbic level of conditioning. The first code always put in is the halt command, which stops the person in their tracks, and is the first code any new trainer learns. This will stop the subject from assassinating their trainer, if they have MK ULTRA or other assassin training in place.
Other command codes will include: system destruct codes (suicide); shatter codes; erasure codes; and antisuicide codes.
Access Codes: these are specialized codes, often coded into short messages, or numerical codes, that allow access into the person’s system. A trainer will always begin a session by repeating the person’s personal complete access code, which will allow authorized entry into the system without setting off booby traps and internal protectors. These codes may also depend and be set up on sight recognition and voice recognition of the person giving the codes. In other words, the system will respond to the codes only if a person who appears to be an authorized person, such as the person’s trainer, gives them. This is to prevent unauthorized access or using of the person by others outside of the person’s local cult group.
Function codes: these are the job codes or work codes within the system.
2. There are no quick cures, or miracles, or short cuts in the process of undoing the extensive amount of abuse that has occurred with Illuminati programming. Even the best deprogrammers will admit that after they are done, the person will usually have an idea of what was put in them, but must finish with years of therapy dealing with how they FEEL about the programming that was done. Illuminati programming takes YEARS to put in, with extensive, methodical abuse, and a realistic therapist will realize that it will take years of patience, support, and hard work by both therapist and survivor to undo a lifetime of conditioning and pain. This is not to say that deprogrammers don’t help people; good, reputable, safe ones have been reported to be of great help. But the person can also undertake the process themselves of undoing their own programming, and often the survivor is the best internal deprogrammer of all.