Because China will play a major role in the world’s 21st century geopolitics it is critical for those who want to understand world politics to understand China. The acts of China are a function of dynamics that are deeply embedded in Chinese circumstances & history, as well as a subtle role that they play within the Illuminati’s script (chess game). The reader should understand the thinking behind Chinese geopolitical moves when finished.

CIRCUMSTANCES OF GEOGRAPHY. The circumstances of China’s geography play an intrinsic role in their problems & how they have historically dealt with things. The heartland of China is called Han China and without showing a map, in rough terms it is the eastern half of what the maps call China—except for about a 100 mile buffer zone along the borders to the north of the Han China region. And this explains what the rest of China is all about. Western and northern China function as buffer zones for the heart of China—the Han Chinese. Inner Mongolia, Tibet, and parts of north Manchuria are controlled by the Chinese as buffer zones to protect Han China. This has been the traditional way that the Han Chinese protected China. It is why they built the Great China Wall in the north. So far, we have only discussed the west & north buffer zones. What about the southern border? The Himalayas and Hikakabo Razi (nearly 19,000’ high) are mountains that protect the southern border by isolating Chinese controlled land from what is south. There is not much commerce between these southern nations & China simply due to the rough geography, and it explains how they stayed free of Chinese rule over the centuries. In WW 2, the U.S. built the Burma road, an engineering feat, through this barrier to try to provide a supply route to China because Japan controlled the coast of China and the waters off of it. So China, if it controls these buffer zones is protected & isolated from the rest of the world. And historically the Han Chinese have been content in their cocoon. Because they never had any nations pose a naval threat to their east coast, they never were required to have a large powerful navy. Then the Europeans arrived with powerful navies & the Chinese could not protect their coastal regions.

THREATS. Traditionally the Chinese have faced threats from the north from the Mongols & Russians, and in the west by the Russians. No one threatened them from the south. The east coast was safe until the Europeans & Japanese came. Russia used Kazakhstan as a buffer to protect it from China. (Now Kazakhstan is independent & China is doing some major things there—wanting to build transportation through it to Europe & working with Kazakhstan’s energy production. (Russia will tolerate China’s moves in the area only so much, before they feel threatened.) Russia was not worried about China attacking Siberia as there was nothing important enough for China to lust after in the vast Siberian heartland. Where Siberia reaches the Pacific at Vladivostok, the Chinese might want that, but since it is so priceless to Russia as an outlet on the Pacific, China knows Russia would never give it up. So now traditional enemies, Russia & China are close allies. If one did not understand history, and China’s long term goal to have buffer land around the Han heartland, their stubbornness to keep Tibet in the face of world condemnation would not make sense. So all China’s traditional external threats are under control except from the Pacific Ocean. Under Mao & the communist leadership after him, the Chinese got rid of all the foreign control of the coastal regions incl. regaining Macao (from Portugal) and Hong Kong from the British and eliminating all the foreign corporation commercial interests. Under Mao, they went into their cocoon, and isolated from the world.

HAN CHINA’S DIVERSITY. China actually consists of thousands of ethnic groups & languages, but in the big picture, if we ignore tiny minority groups, Han China has two major parts, the south which speaks Cantonese Chinese and is centered on the Yangtze River (plus the Pearl River) and the north which speaks Mandarin and is centered on the Yellow River. Cantonese & Mandarin are two totally different languages that are mutually not understandable. They are united by the same writing system of characters, which Mao simplified so that everyone could become literate. The older unsimplified form of Chinese characters continue to be taught & used in Taiwan (which was ruled by Japan until Japan surrendered) and by the Japanese (who added their own extra writing systems-yes systems, so they could grammatically change the Chinese meanings as well as incorporate new words phonetically into their language—in other words, the Japanese took Chinese characters & adapted it to their language & improved it.)

THE SECOND PROBLEM. The reason I mention all this Chinese diversity is that the second traditional problem that Chinese rulers have had, after they protected the heartland, was to maintain unity of the heartland. Only a strong central Chinese govt. could keep this diversity from splintering. Whenever the central govt. has gotten weak, China naturally splinters into its diversity of more natural national groups. The unity of the heartland is vulnerable to foreign wealth. When China stays in its cocoon, it is safe—but on its own it is poor. Too little resources for too many people. But if it opens up to the outside world, the coastal commerce regions get wealthy & influenced by foreign thoughts—therefore threatening the unity of the heartland. The Chinese leadership after Mao decided to promote economic growth by opening up to the world, and using their human resources to become an exporting nation, meanwhile trying hard NOT to allow the increasing coastal wealth and new ideas to splinter the unity. It has been a hard balancing act, and they have become a major exporting nation, whose economy is based on exports, but they have had to accept that the unity of the Han heartland has been compromised. Secret societies, if they gain in power could topple the powerful central communist govt. How has the central communist govt. maintained control? By allowing loyal party members to become a wealthy ruling elite. While raising the general economic national situation, while allowing the common man to gain some wealth, they have allowed a loyal filthy rich elite to rise to maintain their control of the Han heartland. Sort of like creating loyal warlords like in past history. So the Chinese ruling elite are willing to allow these new wealthy loyal warlords to remain, because they are an answer to the traditional problem of keeping Han China unified (!!), even though the common people detest the filthy rich communist elite. But they struggle to keep foreign ideas out, the Internet is controlled, foreigners are closely watched, and if they have to, they will resort to Tiananmen Square massacres to maintain strong central control. In other words, China is inherently destable & will fall apart if there is not a strong central govt.

ILLUMINATI CHESS MOVES. The Illuminati have maintained points of influence & control in China all along. They devised a mutually beneficial program, where China’s elite use their masses of people to produce cheap goods for the west, in exchange for China’s elite getting filthy rich. They would also use China, as a means to bring in a global currency to replace the American currency. Why is it so important to move the world in such a fashion? What is wrong with the American $ being a world currency, rather than a genuinely world currency?? The only way to understand this is Satan, and his desire to totally control the world. Look at the Tower of Babel & the attempt at a one-world system. God split the world up into separate nations speaking separate languages to prevent Satan from having the power he lusted after. Since then he has repeatedly inspired men to work on world unity—cosmopolitan is what they were called in the past—today they are called globalists. To describe all this would sidetrack us from specifically China. But one must understand that China’s policies also interweave with a larger script.

REVIEW. So now you can understand, for instance the Korean War better. The Russians controlled North Korea after WW 2 and encouraged them to attack South Korea which was free & under American protection. Why then did China join the war & attack American forces as they approached the Yalu River? They ending up losing over a million men in their assault on U.N. (American-led) forces. They attacked to protect North Korea as a buffer. It was the centuries-old mentality of keeping buffer states to protect the Han heartland. It was also something the Illuminati wanted to insure a costly war to keep their military industrial complex making the big bucks.

WHY THE WORLD CLASS NAVY? Today, no one can assault China’s coast. No one has the power or desire. So why is China building up a world-class navy?? China has to engage in world trade to move forward economically. The U.S. navy is the only threat to China’s worldwide trade. We can also use Taiwan as a major base to put pressure on China. Should China misbehave on a global level, the U.S. navy could be used to check China by initiating a blockade. Any halt to imports & exports would be devastating. The intermediate goal of the Chinese leadership was to build a navy that could make a clash with their navy so costly that America would not consider a blockade as a viability card to play. Other than a blockade (or economic or weather control acts) there are not many controls on China’s behavior. Why does China want the ability to do what it wants? Because the Chinese leadership doesn’t want China merely to protect the heartland & keep unity (completed goals), they want China to become the world’s superpower, the greatest nation on earth. They will be “stepping on toes”, muscling their way around the world. So they have developed anti-satellite systems to destroy our satellites, cyber attack weapons, anti-ship missiles, and spy satellites to insure that America can’t check any questionable behavior. No one can check them.(Almost) No one will want to face them down.(Almost) The U.S. currently has no desire to blockade China. Trump will try checking their unlimited global growth…so future problems are not out of the question. So their naval might is being built so that geo-politically no one can check their global actions.

NEW ACTIONS. China wants to control global oil production to insure their industry & nation has a large dependable supply as well as the global power it gives them. EP Petroecuador (Ecuador’s oil company) has been operating only by Chinese loans. China recently has quietly behind the scenes moved in to finance Iran & Iraq’s oil production infrastructure. Iran kicked the west out, then was under sanctions, and tried to bring in Russian & Chinese help. The help from Russia & China to run their oil fields failed to operate the infrastructure properly, so Iran began to use their own people—which hasn’t worked either. Now the Iranians need help desperately to keep their oil infrastructure functioning now that they are selling lots of oil worldwide. Chinese Banks are beginning to very quietly help Iran (& Iraq too) with financing rebuilding their infrastructure. China has been playing roles globally, sending their military to many hotspots, buying key things globally, and taking control over economies of smaller nations like Ecuador. These are all part of China’s goal to become the world’s sole superpower. Both the U.S. & China are now interdependent. If one suffers economically so will the other, but one has to factor in the agenda of the globalist elite, and how China will be maneuvered to develop that agenda.


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