This is a short message on how life can take us down, and how God has provided wisdom to prevent us from getting knocked out.

HURTS. People & life in general have a way of hurting us. It’s been said: “Hurt people, hurt people.”(A) When people hurt our pride, we get angry.(B) And we get angry when we don’t get our way.(C) People & life offend us. The wisdom of God’s Word teaches us that it is one’s glory to overlook an offense.(D) God wants each of us to embrace the joy of life; and His Word teaches us how unforgiveness stifles our ability to have (that is to give & receive) love, peace & joy.

THE BONDAGE OF UNFORGIVENESS. When we have not received God’s forgiveness a wound festers in our soul. How easy many of us are offended because of our short fuses, often demanding others apologize, while focusing on the negative more than the positive, and viewing & valueing our own opinion as the most important one. When we are easily offended & in bondage to hurts, pain & unforgiveness, then we set ourselves us for more trouble. The Kingdom of Death will give us more hurts & knock us out (so to speak).

GOD’S PERSPECTIVE. When we rise up in the air by plane, things become smaller. Likewise, from God’s perspective our problems look different, and if we can get His high perspective, then they will look different to us also. Colossians chapter 3 teaches us to rid ourselves of anger and rage and to clothe ourselves in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness & patience. “Bear with each other & forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Be blessed my friend, and may you enjoy the peace that comes from giving & receiving forgiveness.

REFERENCES. (A) quote by Will Bowen (B) A Biblical example is Balaam at NUM 22:29 (C) Ester 3:2-5 (D) PRV 19:11


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