I did two good videos with Alexandra on some important subjects. I believe that my supporters will find these talks worthwhile to listen to because Alexandra just simply gives me the floor to express myself and I am able to lay out the subjects in an intelligent meaningful fashion

1st VIDEO. The first one (with me with a suit and tie) is this:
Fritz Springmeier: Illuminati Language of Symbols, Hidden Messages, Numerology, Mind Control Codes

2nd VIDEO. The second one where I don’t have a suit coat on is this:
Fritz Springmeier: CERN-Hoover Dam, Star Gates, Dimensions/Universes, Predictive Programming

FINAL THOUGHT. . (My goal is to switch these kind of videos to Patreon so that I can start monetizing the research I do, rather than exist like a hobo. The worker is certainly worth his hire as the Word says. Unfortunately, my detractors complain that I am doing all this just for money and getting filthy rich…which is so false. It is sad that the quantity & quality of the work I have done the last 3 decades has been limited to some degree by money. It is hard to compete with the World in these things. On the other hand, perhaps my inability to compete on their level has meant I am less of a threat, and has helped preserve me. It also allows God to show His power when I am weak and helpless. I have no doubts God has repeatedly preserved me from the attacks of the enemy…which sadly have taken some of my friends & informants.)


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