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LINK To TV show today 28 NOV 2016

LINK To TV show today. Most of the time, I do radio shows, and in the past my shows with Kathie Rubio have been radio shows. Today, it was a TV show. Kathy gave me the floor, and I discuss what God is doing today, and then bring the discussion down to the specific context… read more »

THE BODY OF CHRIST: A message on it with surprises in it. (28 NOV 2016)

When we refer to the Body of Christ, we refer to several related & entrained things that are yet still separate. The original Body of Christ (the man Yahshua) shed its blood as a cleansing atonement for humanity’s sin. Those members of humanity who join themselves to Christ spiritually by accepting his payment for their… read more »


The following video breaks down the comments of Trump that the media took out of context. The language by the lady who breaks it down and the text is graphic–so if you don’t want to hear graphic language…then avoid watching. If you are curious–by the time you finish you will see… that when you watch… read more »
