UPDATE. 23 SEPT 2017
I am scheduled to be a key speaker in June in a West coast conference on MPD/DID. By the way, Mark Phillips recently died. Sorry that I have been too busy to provide more of my good insightful articles. Have a blessed day.
I am scheduled to be a key speaker in June in a West coast conference on MPD/DID. By the way, Mark Phillips recently died. Sorry that I have been too busy to provide more of my good insightful articles. Have a blessed day.
https://medium.com/@alyshebaabiya…/chasin-jason-8ecbc7fbf4e6 This is an excellent article and adds more to the topic that I introduced today in my post. View at Medium.com
It’s often been said that one needs to know oneself, and by extension know one’s world. Indeed, Christ said the truth would set you free. Does the modern world ever stop to think about the consequences of the new technology that is inundating us so quickly??… so quickly that in 1970, the term “future shock”… read more »
This alternative newsflash has come in to me today (9 SEPT ’17) from Central Florida…. Homeless in Florida are segregated, deported to unknown locations as Hurricane Irma approaches… Poor and homeless people who were standing in line to register at community shelters today have been systematically separated out from the lineups by police and transported… read more »
This post is a warning about a clever new high tech way of stealing your identity. Having been the victim myself of identity theft in 2013, I personally know how horrible it is. Now identity thieves have taken things to a new level. A small plastic reader is placed over an ATM slot or gas… read more »
This post shares a few of my thoughts on recent disasters and the results of disasters in general. I bring up the subject to create a platform for others to discuss the subject if they want. One of the most poignant & spiritual verses about disaster is 1 PTR 1:6: “In this you greatly rejoice,… read more »
The purpose of this is to provide help to everyone from the widespread threat of cancer. I have had my copy of the fascinating book The Nazi War On Cancer by Robert N. Proctor (Princeton Univ. Press, 2000) in my personal library for years. Even though my copy is in storage, I have enough awareness… read more »
The dangers of radiation have been on the rise for decades, and there appears to be a systemic cover up of the new dangers from new technology. For instance, Apple’s new wireless headphones, smart meters, WiFi beamed into areas without towers, WiFi routers & G5 are examples of new risks the public is not being… read more »
This is at Yosemite’s Toulumne Meadows at the Soda Springs. Carbonated water comes out of springs there in the ground and it tasted like tonic water with minerals.
The possibility of civil unrest & martial law takes no imagination to conceive; what may surprise folks is that specific detailed plans are in place for a specific upcoming period of martial law…and these plans are not a contingency, but a certainty for those in the know!! PREVIOUS & CURRENT EXAMPLES. Certain insiders knew exactly… read more »