BILDERBERG MEETINGS: In the Past. This post is an introductory history of the Bilderberg Meetings based on my own knowledge obtained over the years. Later, I plan to provide new exclusive information provided to me from the Bilderbergers themselves about their 2014 meeting, but this post is based on my own current knowledge. As my readers are aware I have exposed the Bilderberg Meetings & its powerful Steering Committee as being Illuminati since 1991. Back then, I never dreamed that one day it would be relatively very open.

FROM SECRECY TO OPENESS. As is common knowledge the first Bilderberg Mtg. was 5/29-31/54 at Hotel Bilderberg, at Oosterbeek, Netherlands. This meeting set the tone for following annual secret conclaves. Security would be Illum., the host country’s, & some private. Small towns with nice hotels have been typically chosen as the sites for these 3 day meetings. For years the elite were able to keep the meetings secret. On 4/11/64, Sen. Javits entered info into the Congressional Record about the ’64 meeting he had attended. In 1971, Congressman Rarick of Louis. entered info into the Congressional Record on 5 different days to expose them & to inform the public about the Bilderbergers. He entered detailed info on 7 of the annual mtgs. In 1974, a freelance reporter exposed the secret guest list & got them upset. In 1996, their Canadian meeting got wide media publicity which again upset them. With each passing year, it got harder to conceal the mtgs. Finally, in Sept. 2005, Bilderberg leader Viscount Etienne Davignon gave an interview to the BBC about the mtgs. In recent years, figures like Alex Jones loudly protest outside of the meeting sites, such as the one at Chantilly, VA, calling attention to the mtgs. In recent times, the Illum. established an official website, & once within the site you can click on meetings, then click on conferences, then click on the decade you want & you can see the topics that were discussed each year.

This year, they decided to exclusively provide me documents on the meetings, & I will be providing these to the public. I have plans to go on public access TV this month to share info like this post. On my, I have posted all the venue sites for the all 62 Bilderberg meetings, & as well as provided an exclusive list of this year’s guests. While over the years, a few guests have been invited from non-host countries, for instance, Japan, Russia & Iceland, this year there are no guests from African or Asian countries; also no one from Russia & China was invited. I was informed that Hillary Clinton is a featured guest this yr.

EUROPE & NO. AMER. The Steering Committee has tried to evenly distribute the meetings. The USA has had the largest no. of attendees, and has hosted the meetings ten times. Germany, France, Switz., & Canada have each hosted it 5 times. Denmark, this yr.’s host, hosted it in ’56 (Fredensborg) & in ’69 (Copenhagen). The Rockefellers have taken a lead in getting a site when the USA hosts the event. Besides those listed above, the rest of the host nations have all been European nations, incl. Turkey (which is part Europe/part Asia). This then is an obvious clue where the power at the top w/in the Illum. resides!

HOW THE MEETINGS RAN. A Steering Committee of 13 was the core of the organization, along with about 80 regular attendees. Other guests who could serve some temporary function would be invited to a particular meeting, but would not be regular attendees. Guests would receive an invitation several months in advance, and then at some point receive the topics for discussion, so that they could study & come prepared. Finally, about a week before the mtg. (basically “at the last min.”), attendees would be given the secret location for the mtg. They would also been granted special travel/entry privileges by the host country, not needing passports or to go thru customs. Interviews with the press were forbidden & guests were required to take an oath of silence. Wives & husbands were not allowed to accompany guests, except for Henry Kissinger’s. Each regular day would contain 4 daily sessions-two in the morning, two in the afternoon. A topic would be intro. for about 10 min. then opened for general debate. Delegates could signal how much time they wanted by raising the appropriate amount of fingers. A panel would lead each discussion. A panel would consist of one moderator & 2-3 helpers. Each panel would be given 2 hours. Delegates could choose what panel discussion they wanted to participate in. Rules of discussion were the Chatham House rules. On off hours, the locations would provide relaxing things to do.

PURPOSE. The goal would be to discuss things so a sense of consensus was est. so that delegates would return home & implement those common policies, for instance, the replacement of Margaret Thatcher by PM Major. The topics for discussion are frequently important global topics, which explains why so many elite would congregate to discuss them. In effect, this has meant that all of the U.S. govt. delegates (some whose trips were pd. by the govt. & guarded by govt. security men) were technically in violation of the Logan Act. However, because the Fed. govt. has never enforced the Logan Act in its approx. 200 yr. history, it is perhaps a moot pt.; it is “illegal” for elected officials to meet in private like this to debate & design public policy, but over the years many have attended the meetings w/out any repercussions. (The law is not enforced, & consistency would be to change it or enforce it.)

REGULARS. Representatives from the top Illum. families are regulars. The World Bank, IMF, & the Fed Reserve are usually represented. Chase Manhattan, Royal Dutch Shell, Goldman Sachs & some similar elite companies like ADM are usually there. Participants come from finance, industry, politics, think tanks, owners of the mass media as well as NATO leaders. The NATO leaders have always caught my eye. The following NATO Secretary Generals have belonged to the Bilderbergers: Lord Carrington, Willy Claes, Joseph Luns, Lord Robertson, Jaap G. de Hoop Scheffer, Javier Solana &Manfred Woener. (I believe that’s all of them!) Amer. commanders-in-chief like John J. McCloy, Walker Lee Cisler, Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, John Rogers Galvin have also been Bilderbergers. To put it in my own words, NATO, the world’s largest military force is an Illuminati force, & always has been.

SUMMARY. This has been a short overview of the Illuminati’s Bilderberg Mtg.s in the past. The meetings provide a method for the elite to create consensus for implementing policies. Past venues & this year’s guests are published on my website:


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