Abba Father, I come boldly before your throne of mercy through the veil of the shed blood of Yahshua ha Messiach. I confess my total faith in your goodness, there is none like you Abba Father. I yield my will to you. Increase my faith Lord. Teach me Lord. Blessed Lord, your words are faithful and true. My heart is so filled with the love that your Spirit has birthed in me. Keep showing me what I need to do to confess my sins, and help me find that place of holiness in your forgiveness, and that place of holiness where I have forgiven my enemies. Help me remove anything that hinders my fellowship with You Abba Father. Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. I want to stand with you against the idolatry that gives a false legitimacy to the god of this world. May the World cease its idolatry. And Abba Father I pray against the deceptions that are released in return to capture the World in their idolatry. It sorrows me that the World does not give You the love and adoration that is due to You Lord, and that they are too blind to see that they love the lie. Father, I know who I am in You, and I know Your power to challenge the demonic power structures that defend the World structures. Lord, tear them apart. Cast out the demonic in my life, and from this nation. I pray against the demonic strongholds, that they be weakened and that this nation returns to their first love. Your name is beautiful no matter what language Lord Jesus, Yahshua ha Messiach, and with the power of Your Spirit within me, I offer this prayer in your name, based on the blood You shed for little ole me. Thank you. Blessed be your Name. Amen.


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