Early Splits and Theta Programming (Svali Blog Post 2017)

This is from a book I wrote a couple of years ago…

The primary core splits, and the master controllers are always created first. These will take on the roles and names of spiritual entities, since a programmed system is first and primarily spiritual, designed to serve satan, the antichrist, and the beast (father, son and spirit). All three will be represented in these first splits along with other deities.

The presentations are also created, and dedicated to deities with roles of amnesia; in fact, the presentation undergoes as much or more programming than any other parts in sophisticated systems, which tends to surprise survivors. who may have believed that these systems “didn’t go through bad things.” They have, and their traumas are among the worst, which is why presenter programming is often the last to heal in many systems.

These traumas fuel the deep amnesia that is always present in programmed systems: there are always huge barriers placed between the presentations (“hosts”), the cover programming, the main group programming and the New World Order programming.


In these sophisticated systems, buffers will be created in epsilon between the front and back with one sole purpose: to hide the extent of the programming, by “buffering” the feelings between front and back, and maintaining emotional and memory distance between the two. The buffers will always be very void of feeling, and extremely traumatized, since they “hide the back” and help make the programming “undetectable” to the world, and the survivor.

Brain Wave Programming, Early Theta and Spiritual Training

Modern programmers utilize the fact that when a person’s brain waves are in theta state, they are the most open to the spiritual realm. This is why much of their spiritual training is conducted when the individual is in theta state.

Early Brain Wave Programming

The infant is taught to stay in theta state by attaching electrodes to their head that pick up brain waves and show them on a monitor. When the infant personality that is being trained is in theta state, the infant is heavily praised. If the personality “bounces” out of theta state, as is normal, the infant is heavily shocked. Eventually, the personalities created learn to stay permanently in theta state (this same training method is also used for the personalities in other brain wave states, to teach them to stay in the desired brain wave state).

To the left above is a graph of brain wave states (the major ones except epsilon are shown). Gamma is the highest brain wave state, and will occur when a person is in a highly excited or nervous state. This is where loyalty programming and sabotage scripts will later be programmed in, since the high anxiety in this state will trigger calling the police, accuse the helper of kidnapping, or other self-sabotage, if someone tries to help the survivor.

Beta state is a normal alert state, and this is where military systems and those that need a normal alert state will be created. Alpha is more relaxed, and accessing systems and presentations will be created in this state. Delta is the deepest brain state, and will hold semi-unconscious and even unconscious beliefs; delta programming will be discussed in more detail later in this book.

Theta Training

 Once they can stay in theta state, the early spiritual training begins. The thetas are kept in a blackened room, and the people who interact with them appear shadowy. Actors dressed as demons will come into the room, and “chain” the infant to them. The actors demonstrate to the infant how demons act, growling, snarling and torturing them in various ways. At the same time, the infant is told that THEY are the demon. This is how demonic punishers and controllers are created in the first weeks of life.

The programmers understand that an infant must be shown an external reality in order to internalize it. The infant must internalize in order to establish the programming that the programmers desire for later control.

The theta state parts in the infants are left in darkened cribs and are given objects such as decapitated heads to play with; or demonic toys such as fetishes. The infant’s fingers are placed around the neck of a kitten, and when they squeeze, as babies will, they are highly praised. The infant has no idea of what they are doing at this stage, but the foundation for later assassination training is being put in place.

Demons come into the room, and talk and play with the infant’s theta parts. This is their first bonding, with these creatures that appear horrific.

Gradually, the infant is taught to call on the demonic for theta capabilities. The programmer will throw a ball at the infant to hit it, and encourage the baby to spiritually throw the ball back at them (they are too young to have the physical coordination to do so, but can easily do this demonically). Throwing a ball demonically is demonstrated, and the baby is hit again and again, until in anger and frustration, they are able to loft the ball back at the person hitting them. This is heavily praised, since the infant is using spiritual power to accomplish what it cannot physically, and using its hurt and rage at being abused and turning it to hurt another back. This is the early foundation for later theta capabilities.

The infants are taken to rituals, where they watch sacrifices performed, their infant seats propped amidst the fires. They are also taken to re-enactments of “hell” where demons dance and torture victims, and the first subconscious images of hell and the need to punish even the slightest disobedience are ingrained. The infants undergo extensive torture from demons, to teach them in these first weeks of life to fear “descending” and “going to hell” above any other punishment.


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